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SMP Launches New Ad Against Blake Masters: “Cut the Knot”
Watch “Cut the Knot” Here
Washington, D.C. – Today, Senate Majority PAC (SMP) is launching new ad campaign in the Arizona Senate race against Blake Masters, as first reported by Roll Call.
The new spot, titled “Cut the Knot,” highlights how Masters would put Social Security on the chopping block, all while giving tax breaks to the billionaires bankrolling his campaign.
Masters has previously called for privatizing Social Security and ‘cutting the knot’ on the hard-earned benefits that over one million Arizona seniors rely on.
The ad campaign will reach Arizona voters statewide beginning Tuesday.
Watch the ad HERE and read the transcript below.
“Cut the Knot” Ad Transcript:
“While we’re struggling just to stay afloat, what’s Blake Masters’ plan?
[Masters]: Maybe we should privatize Social Security, right? We’ve got to cut the knot at some point.
Masters would risk our hard-earned life savings…
All while giving huge tax cuts to corporations and the billionaires bankrolling his campaign.
Tax breaks for them.
But for us…
[Masters]: We’ve got to cut the knot at some point.
It’s time to cut the knot on Blake Masters.”
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