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NEW AD: SMP Highlights Ted Budd’s Record of Hurting NC Farmers While Helping Himself
Washington, D.C. – Today, Senate Majority PAC is launching an over $2 million ad campaign in the North Carolina Senate race against Ted Budd, first reported by NBC News. The new spot, titled “Major Disaster,” highlights Budd’s record of hurting North Carolina farmers while helping himself.
According to the Washington Post, Budd’s family company filed for bankruptcy, leaving more than one thousand farmers unpaid for over $50 million worth of crops—all while Budd and his family paid themselves back $10 million, with interest. Budd has a long record of failing to help farmers in Congress, and even voted against the 2018 Farm Bill—legislation that both Senators Burr and Tillis supported.
“Even before Ted Budd was failing farmers in Congress, his family company was ripping them off and screwing them out of $50 million dollars—all while paying themselves,” said JB Poersch, President of Senate Majority PAC. “Ted Budd is a Washington insider who has spent his entire career helping himself even it means hurting North Carolina, and that’s why voters will reject his self-serving agenda in November.”
The ad will reach voters in the Charlotte, Raleigh, and Greensboro markets beginning Tuesday, and builds off of several previous investments in North Carolina.
“Major Disaster” Ad Transcript:
“It was ‘a major disaster’ for farmers.
One grower said, ‘we were the little guy,’ ‘we got screwed.’
They’re talking about working with Ted Budd’s family seed company.
That company went bankrupt.
And rather than paying back the small farmers what they owed…
Budd’s family repaid themselves instead—millions of dollars, with interest.
That’s the real Ted Budd.
He gets paid…
While North Carolina farmers get screwed.”