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SMP & VoteVets Launch New TV Ad Against Blake Masters Featuring Arizona Veteran

Washington, D.C.  Today, Senate Majority PAC (SMP) and VoteVets are launching a $2.3 million ad campaign in the Arizona Senate race highlighting how Blake Masters wants to ban abortion with no exceptions, even in cases of rape and incest. Details of the ad were first reported by NBC News.

The new spot features a testimonial from Hillary, an Army veteran from Phoenix, sharing how she and her husband fought to protect our freedoms—and criticizing Blake Masters for trying to strip them away.

The ad will reach Arizona voters statewide beginning Tuesday, and builds on SMP’s previous investments in state.

Watch the ad here and read the transcript below.


Ad Transcript:

“My husband and I both served.

He gave his life fighting for our freedoms.

It’s offensive, seeing someone like Blake Masters talking about taking away our rights.

[Masters]: ‘Absolutely no abortions.’

[Masters]: ‘You make it illegal and you punish the doctors.’

No abortions, even in the case of rape and incest.

That kind of extremism and government control is the opposite of what we fought for.

It’s un-American.

Blake Masters is wrong for Arizona and he’s wrong for America.”

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