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ICYMI: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Eric Hovde’s Own Words Show He’s That Out of Touch

Today, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist Kristen Brey exposed Eric Hovde’s infamous habit of maligning Wisconsinites and attacking entire voting groups with reckless generalizations. In her deep dive, Brey reminded Wisconsin voters of some of Eric Hovde’s most egregious quotes, including calling seniors too old to vote, labeling young people as lazy, suggesting obese individuals should pay higher health care costs, accusing farmers of not working hard, saying single mothers push their children into poverty, and stereotyping Black men as welfare-dependent.

Click HERE to read the full op-ed, and view below for key excerpts of Eric Hovde’s quotes:

  • He largely talks in sweeping generalizations about entire voting blocs, including some groups whose support he definitely needs in order to beat a popular incumbent.
  • Case in point: early in his 2024 campaign, Hovde drew national attention for suggesting most nursing home residents are not qualified to vote. The comment was made while he was discussing his concerns with election administration on The Guy Benson Show, “Well, if you’re in a nursing home, you only have five, six months life expectancy. Almost nobody in a nursing home is in a point to vote.”
  • In addition, on several occasions he lamented the work ethic of young people. At the Outagamie County Fair in June, Hovde was recorded criticizing the Affordable Care Act policy that allows people under 26 to stay on their parent’s health insurance.
  • It’s unclear why Hovde would assume that “21-year-old gal” is the exception rather than the example of what many young people are struggling with right now: working hard but not making enough because of the huge disparity between the cost of living and entry level wages.
  • Also in 2012, during an interview with Jerry Bader on AM 1360 WTAQ, Hovde said, “One of the most troubling statistics that I can quote is a social statistic: And that is, 4 out of 10 children born in America, they are born out of wedlock. That is a direct path to a life of poverty…”
  • During his 2012 campaign, Hovde was interviewed by Steve Walters for WisconsinEye and suggested that obese people should pay more for their healthcare: “It’s a personal choice…you become obese, your health care is going to cost more.
  • When someone lacks an understanding of a topic or a situation, they often resort to making broad statements that may not accurately reflect the full complexity of the subject, as a way to simplify and make sense of it.
  • And when it comes to the guy who has been stereotyped as a out-of-touch, out-of-state billionaire, his sound sites stereotyping others could be what breaks his campaign.


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