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ICYMI: National Republicans Abandoning “Best Recruit” Sam Brown, Pull Out of Nevada

For months, National Republicans championed Sam Brown “as one of their best recruits” who would run for office in Nevada “with the support of Republican leadership.” But with fewer than five weeks to Election Day, National Republicans are leaving Brown and his campaign that never was, behind.

Yesterday it was reported that the NRSC cut all of its planned spending in Nevada, a rebuke that comes on top of the fact that Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund refused to invest in Brown in the first place.

“That Republicans are abandoning a state that was the closest Senate race in the country just two years ago is a glaring warning sign,” said Sarah Guggenheimer, Senate Majority PAC Spokesperson. “It’s a clear acknowledgement from Washington Republicans that they’re in trouble, because voters across the country have no interest in their candidates’ shady backgrounds and extreme agenda.”


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