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Journal Sentinel: “Major Job Site Flags Eric Hovde's Sunwest Bank Over Fake Reviews To Boost Rating”
It sure seems like California multi-millionaire Eric Hovde’s bank, Sunwest, used artificial intelligence to inflate the ratings of its online reviews, according to new reporting from the Journal Sentinel.
The job reviews site, Glassdoor “has placed an alert on its Sunwest page stating that it has detected an attempt to ‘inflate reviews’ for the $3.3 billion financial institution.” The Journal Sentinel also conducted their own analysis of reviews on the website Indeed and found that over half of the reviews written since late May were likely generated by AI.
This artificial inflation of his company’s ratings shows that Hovde is fine with insulting Wisconsinite’s intelligence, showing he thinks he is better than everyone else and will say or do anything for his own profit.
This is not the only way Hovde has insulted Wisconsinites in the final weeks of the campaign – he has doubled down on his defense of the fact he doesn’t know what’s in the Farm Bill and called for raising the retirement age. But this is just a normal day for Hovde who has worked hard to insult many (or perhaps all) other constituencies since launching his candidacy.
Read the full investigation here.