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Montana Bartender Slams Sheehy For His Nonstop Lies in New SMP Ad
This past weekend, SMP launched a new ad titled “Bartender” featuring a Montanan bartender who calls out Tim Sheehy for the constant lies he’s told Montanans. In the ad, the bartender says none of the lies she hears behind the bar “come close” to those on Sheehy’s record.
Specifically, she points out how Sheehy lied about a bullet in his arm, lied about protecting public lands, and continues to lie about his opponent, Senator Jon Tester. Of course, these lies are just the start. Sheehy has also lied about parachuting into Glacier National Park, growing up in poverty, owning a successful business, and even claiming disparaging comments he made about Native Americans were “chopped up” (spoiler alert: they weren’t).
SMP Spokesperson Von Walker released the following statement:
“Tim Sheehy thinks he can lie his way into the Senate, but Montanans aren’t falling for it. They see through his lies and know that Shady Sheehy will only ever look out for himself, as he says or does whatever he needs to gain power. And while Sheehy flippantly dismisses their concerns about his dishonest record, Montanans are taking note and will remember he can’t be trusted when they cast their votes.”
To watch the full ad, click HERE and see below for a full transcript:
“When you work behind a bar in Montana, you hear all the lies—how big the elk was, how rich they are, and my favorite, how they’re not like all the other guys. But nothing comes close to Tim Sheehy’s lies. He lied about where he grew up, lied about the bullet in his arm, lied about protecting public lands, and his lies about Tester? Rated false again and again. Shady Sheehy. It’s time to cut this guy off.”