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SMP Statement on Bernie Moreno Crawling Across the Finish Line 

Tonight, Bernie Moreno survived the “nasty,” “hostile,” “chaotic,” and “ugly” “bloodbath” of an Ohio GOP Senate primary to become the party’s nominee. With this Ohio Senate primary race win, Bernie Moreno comes out of the fight bruised and faced with the daunting task of uniting a divided party that has seen millions of dollars’ worth of negative ads against him.

Now in the general election, Moreno won’t be able to hide from the fact that he is a shady car salesman who lied about his background to weave a false rags to riches tale. That’s not to mention that he was sued for overtime wage theft by his employees and then caught shredding documents in order to hide the evidence. He has also been subject to lawsuits for race, gender, and age discrimination.

As if this weren’t reason enough for Ohioans to reject Moreno in the Ohio Senate primary race, he has actively campaigned on overturning the will of Ohio voters by supporting a national abortion ban. Moreno additionally supports repealing the Affordable Care Act and opposes measures to lower the price of prescription medicine.

“Bernie Moreno cannot be trusted to put the interests of Ohioans over his own. Over the course of the campaign, Moreno has shown he only cares about gaining political power, even if that means lying about his background, selling out workers, and fighting for a national abortion ban,” said Senate Majority PAC President JB Poersch. “Ohio voters know that Senator Sherrod Brown has always been a steadfast advocate for workers, stood up to special interests, and worked across the aisle to get things done. Come November, Ohioans will see right through Moreno’s latest self-serving sales pitch and turn out to re-elect Senator Brown.”

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