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NEW AD: SMP Slams Adam Laxalt for Siding with Big Pharma Over Nevada
Washington, D.C. – Today, Senate Majority PAC is launching a new ad campaign slamming Adam Laxalt for siding with the pharmaceutical companies funding his campaigns over Nevada families, as first reported by Roll Call.
The new spot, titled “Insulin,” contrasts Laxalt’s opposition to a plan that would limit the cost of insulin to $35 per month with Senator Catherine Cortez Masto’s leadership on lowering prescription drug prices.
According to the Nevada Current, more than 10% of Nevadans, approximately 254,000 people, are living with diabetes. Despite this, Laxalt has consistently opposed efforts to reduce prescription drug costs—all while accepting campaign donations from Big Pharma and personally profiting off tens of thousands of dollars in Big Pharma stock. Meanwhile, Senator Cortez Masto co-sponsored a bill to cap insulin at $35 a month and voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, which will cut insulin costs for seniors, reduce health care costs, and allow Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs.
“While Senator Cortez Masto is on the frontlines of the fight to lower prescription drug costs, Adam Laxalt has been standing in the way and lining his pockets with investments in pharmaceutical companies as working families pay the price,” said JB Poersch, president of Senate Majority PAC. “Our ad reminds voters of the truth: Adam Laxalt puts Big Pharma first over the hundreds of thousands of Nevadans who rely on life-saving medications like insulin. Laxalt can’t be trusted to stand up for the Silver State in the Senate and that’s why Nevadans will reject his corrupt politics in November, just like they’ve done before.”
The ad is backed by a $1.9 million buy and will reach voters statewide beginning Tuesday.
Watch the ad HERE and read the transcript below.
“Insulin” Ad Transcript:
“Leaders…find solutions.
Politicians…are part of the problem.
Take Catherine Cortez Masto and Adam Laxalt.
Cortez Masto co-sponsored a bill capping insulin costs.
Adam Laxalt called a plan that caps costs ‘reckless.’
No surprise — Laxalt is personally invested in big drug companies…
When they make money, he makes money.
That’s the difference:
Catherine Cortez Masto is lowering the cost of drugs.
Adam Laxalt sells out – and cashes in.”