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NEW AD: SMP Slams Hollywood Grifter and Scam Artist Mehmet Oz

Washington, D.C. – Today, Senate Majority PAC (SMP) is launching a new ad campaign slamming Mehmet Oz for being a Hollywood celebrity doctor and scam artist who used his television show to promote irresponsible medical advice to benefit himself, as first reported by Deadline.

The new spot, titled “No Place,” highlights how Oz is a phony who made millions pushing miracle cures on television and criticizing high drug costs in public, while personally profiting off of his investments in Big Pharma companies jacking up prices.

“When Hollywood grifter Mehmet Oz isn’t kissing his Walk of Fame star, he’s pushing irresponsible medical advice and making millions off hawking fake miracles cures on television. Our ad pulls back the curtain and shows voters the truth about Oz: he’s a scam artist who has repeatedly peddled pseudoscience and sold out working families to benefit himself—even if people get hurt along the way,” said Veronica Yoo, spokesperson for Senate Majority PAC. “There’s no place like home for Oz and no place for a scam artist in the U.S. Senate—that’s why Pennsylvanians will send him back home to Hollywood where he belongs in November.”

The seven-figure ad campaign will reach voters in the Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Wilkes-Barre media markets beginning Friday. The new spot is the second ad to air as part of SMP’s $32 million television reservation in Pennsylvania.

Watch the ad HERE and read the transcript below.

“No Place” Ad Transcript:

“Ladies and gentlemen, meet the great and powerful Oz…

Hollywood’s celebrity doctor.

But behind the curtain, Oz made millions pushing miracle cures.

[Oz]: ‘This miracle pill can burn fat fast.’

In public… Oz complained about drug costs.

In private… he cashed in off companies jacking up prices.

And for Oz, there’s no place like home.

So he bought nine of them….

…in New Jersey, Palm Beach, and Turkey.”

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