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NEW: “Senate Candidate Tim Sheehy Makes Questionable Racially-Tinged Remarks About Crow Reservation”

Sheehy: “A great way to bond with all the Indians while they’re drunk at 8:00 A.M.”

This weekend, Flathead Indian Reservation’s Char-Koosta News revealed newly discovered audio clips of Tim Sheehy repeatedly engaging in racist stereotypes about Montana’s Native Americans who make up 6.5% of the state’s population.

At one event, Sheehy described spending time on the Crow reservation, the largest in Montana spanning 2.2 million acres and with approximately 10,000 members. Speaking to donors, Sheehy described how he found “a great way to bond with all the Indians while they’re drunk at 8:00 A.M.”

At a different event, Sheehy made another remark, saying, “They’ll let you know if they like you or not, if Coors Light cans are flying by your head… They respect that.”

Sheehy’s justification for these comments? “No response.

Check out the original story HERE. And see below for additional coverage on Sheehy’s offensive comments:

Native News OnlineMontana GOP Candidate Tim Sheehy Caught on Audio Talking About “Drunk Indians at 8 a.m.

Raw StoryAudio emerges of Republican’s racially charged tirade about ‘drunk’ Native Americans 

Political WireTim Sheehy Caught on Audio Making Racist Statements

Daily KosMontana Senate Candidate Tim Sheehy (R) Says Crow Indians are “drunk at 8:00 A.M.” 


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