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SMP Announces Texas TV Investment

Today, Senate Majority PAC announced a $5 million TV investment in Texas that will highlight just how much is at stake in the upcoming Senate election.

This advertising supplements the multi-million dollar digital and radio investment that SMP announced earlier this week.

Starting tomorrow, Texans in the Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio media markets will begin seeing the ad, Nancy, on their television screens. In the ad, Nancy, an Emergency Physician, shares the heartbreaking moments she’s witnessed through her work, directly caused by Ted Cruz’s abortion ban.

“Senator Ted Cruz is a danger to the people of Texas and that’s never more clear than with his support of a deadly abortion ban,” said SMP President JB Poersch. “In such an important election, Senate Majority PAC is determined to make sure Texans understand the choice facing them this November. That’s why we’re going on offense, so that in a few short months Texans can have a trusted, bipartisan senator in Colin Allred and can kick Cancún Cruz to the curb.” 


Click HERE to watch “Nancy” and see below for a full transcript:

[Dr. Nancy O.] As an Emergency Physician I can tell you, Texas women are in danger because of Ted Cruz.

I’ve seen 12-, 13-year old survivors of rape come in pregnant. 

Pregnant women with severe complications threatening their health.

And Ted Cruz’s abortion ban makes it illegal for me to provide them care. 

I could never vote for Ted Cruz.

Colin Allred will restore a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions.


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