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SMP Launches First General Election Ad Campaign in New Hampshire Against Don Bolduc
Watch “His Own Words” Here
Washington, D.C. – Today, Senate Majority PAC is launching a $3.7 million ad campaign in New Hampshire, highlighting Don Bolduc’s long anti-choice record in his own words. The ad was first reported by FOX News.
The new spot, titled “His Own Words,” reminds voters that Bolduc holds extreme views and positions that are deeply out of touch with Granite Staters, including saying New Hampshire women should just “get over” Senate Republicans’ push to ban abortion nationwide and that he would never vote against anti-choice legislation in the Senate.
“Don Bolduc continues to show voters who he really is: an anti-choice extremist who is completely out of touch with New Hampshire values,” said Veronica Yoo, spokesperson for Senate Majority PAC. “We’re making sure Granite Staters continue to see and hear what Don Bolduc has said in his own words because his record speaks for itself—and leaves no room for doubt that he’d be a rubber stamp for Mitch McConnell’s nationwide abortion ban in the Senate.”
The ad will reach voters in the Boston, Manchester, Portland, and Burlington markets beginning Thursday.
“His Own Words” Ad Transcript:
“The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
And Don Bolduc said…
[Don Bolduc]: ‘Why don’t we just rejoice that one right now.’
Letting politicians ban abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or to save a woman’s life.
[Don Bolduc]: ‘You do not compromise on the issue of life.’
Bolduc would give Mitch McConnell the power to ban abortion nationwide.
[Don Bolduc]: ‘I’m not going to vote contrary to pro-life.’
And Don Bolduc said women should just:
[Don Bolduc]: ‘Get over it.’”
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