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SMP Launches New Ad Against Blake Masters: “Too Extreme”
Washington, D.C. – Today, Senate Majority PAC (SMP) is launching a new ad in the Arizona Senate race highlighting Blake Masters’s extreme views in his own words.
The spot, titled “Too Extreme,” reminds voters that Blake Masters holds extreme positions that are wildly out of step with Arizona values—from threatening to privatize Social Security to banning abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest.
The ad will reach Arizona voters statewide beginning Tuesday.
“Too Extreme” Ad Transcript:
“If you want to know how extreme Blake Masters is, just listen to Blake Masters.
[Masters]: ‘Maybe we should privatize Social Security, right?’
[Masters]: ‘We gotta cut the knot at some point.’
Take away our guaranteed benefit, you put everybody at risk.
I just don’t understand where he gets these ideas.
[Masters]: ‘Absolutely no abortions.’
[Masters]: ‘You make it illegal and you punish the doctors.’
No exceptions? Not even for rape and incest?
That’s too extreme.
We want our leaders to work together.
[Masters]: ‘It’s a religious sacrifice to these people. I think it’s demonic.’
“Masters is so extreme — he can’t work with anybody.”