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SMP Statement on Michigan’s Senate General Election

Tonight, Mike Rogers became the GOP nominee for Senate after spending years luxuriating in Florida and lining his own pockets.

But Rogers’ road to the general election has been anything but simple. Facing a nasty primary where his opponents spent months (and millions of dollars) attacking him, Rogers enters the general election a vulnerable candidate already seen as a politician who would be willing to sell out Michigan in the Senate.

Multiple stories highlighted how Rogers cashed in on the connections he made in Congress to rake in millions, tying him to China and Saudi Arabia. Rogers also solicited $1 million in contributions from the pharmaceutical industry and then became their self-described “champion”—even as they jacked up prices and kept life-saving medications out of reach for too many Americans.

And that’s not to mention Rogers’ extreme and out of touch agenda. Rogers supported the overturn of Roe v. Wade and repeatedly voted for a nationwide abortion ban without exceptions for rape and incest. He’s also called for the privatization of Social Security, saying we need to “rethink” the program Michigan seniors have paid into their entire lives. And of course, Michigan voters won’t forget that Rogers took an aggressive role trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act and deny millions access to health care coverage.

Luckily, Michigan voters will have the chance to reject Rogers’ self-serving and radical agenda, and instead elect Rep. Elissa Slotkin to the Senate who will always put Michiganders first.

“Mike Rogers is a MAGA extremist who represents everything wrong with out-of-touch politicians. In contrast, Rep. Elissa Slotkin has a proven record of putting Michigan voters first and working across party lines,” said Senate Majority PAC President JB Poersch. “In November, Michigan voters will reject Rogers and elect Slotkin because they deserve a leader who stands against extremism and who will always put their interests first.”



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