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SMP Statement on Ted Cruz and Rick Scott Blocking IVF Protections in Senate

Cruz, Scott Join GOP Senate Candidates Opposing Women’s Access to Reproductive Health

Today, Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Rick Scott voted against protecting IVF, disregarding Americans’ overwhelming support  for this treatment. Instead of listening to the American people, they continued to push their extreme anti-choice MAGA agenda that threatens women’s access to basic reproductive care across the country.

Cruz and Scott’s votes today comes after they last week blocked efforts to protect women’s access to contraception and follows their yearslong efforts to limit access to reproductive care, including abortions.

Regardless of what the Senators Rick Scott and Ted Cruz may say today about IVF, their opposition to Roe v. Wade, confirmation of anti-Roe Supreme Court Justices, and celebration of its repeal all directly led to the situation women are in now – where their basic health care needs are threatened. Already, women and their families are feeling the direct impact of these policies, with IVF under attack in Alabama and draconian abortion bans put into place in ArizonaFlorida, and Texasamong others.

Quite simply, no amount of pandering or backtracking can disguise Republican politicians’ dangerous anti-choice record.

This vote also serves as a real reminder of what’s at stake under a Republican majority in the Senate. Because it’s not just Cruz and Scott who have supported archaic national abortion bans and efforts to ban IVF or contraception. Every single Republican candidate running for Senate across the map has plainly stated their pro-life and anti-choice beliefs. This is simply the latest example of Republicans refusing to protect women’s reproductive care and shows just how much further a Republican majority could go in restricting these rights.

“Today anti-choice GOP politicians proved once again that they are a direct threat to women’s basic reproductive health care,” said Von Walker, Spokesperson for Senate Majority PAC. “Even as a majority of Americans publicly support IVF, Senate GOP candidates’ refusal to truly safeguard it is a stunning reminder that voters cannot trust Republicans on this issue and that a Republican Senate majority poses a real threat to women’s access to IVF, contraception, and abortion.”


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