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SMP’s Statement On Pennsylvania’s Senate General Election
Dave McCormick – a Connecticut multimillionaire and former hedge fund CEO – may have been anointed by Mitch McConnell and D.C. Republicans as Pennsylvania’s GOP nominee, but Pennsylvanians have already rejected him once before and come November they will again.
In the coming months, McCormick won’t be able to escape his extreme positions that are more out of touch than the way McCormick pronounces Yuengling.
McCormick has repeatedly shown Pennsylvania women that he stands against them, expressing his belief that “life begins at conception,” praising the overturning of Roe v. Wade, saying it was a “great victory,” declaring on a debate stage that he didn’t believe in abortion exceptions for rape or incest, and encouraging policy and court decisions that “moves us in a direction where there isn’t abortion.” And unfortunately for McCormick, he won’t be able to hide from these receipts no matter how many posts he tries to erase from his social media.
But that’s not all. McCormick has spent his career making the rich richer and leaving hardworking families out to dry – and he supports policies that do the same. McCormick laid off workers in Pittsburgh and outsourced jobs to India. He profited from Chinese investments at Bridgewater via policies he helped shape in the Bush administration.
“Dave McCormick ran the world’s largest hedge fund where he sold out workers and families in order to look out for the bottom line of our biggest corporations, the wealthy, and himself,” said Senate Majority PAC Spokesperson Hannah Menchhoff. “Over the next few months expect McCormick to put himself first and hide his extreme record on abortion, his work outsourcing Pennsylvania jobs, and his close ties to China.”